“Thank you so much for the bag filled with thoughtful gifts. It lifts my spirits to know there is support for my condition of myeloma. Your mission statement of “funding research for a cure” brings hope to many. ”
Thank you Mission Myeloma for your generous gift. It helped me meet expenses this month because I had to be off work for 6 weeks. Cancer has caused us to reevaluate our life. Thanks again!
Thank you very much for the grant. I really appreciate it and it will help me out as I prepare for my hospital stays for my transplant. I don’t qualify for disability as was told to expect to be off work for up to 6 months. Also thank you for the nice bag I received at ThedaCare Cancer Center and all the goodies. With much thankfulness.
Golf for a Cure 2022 Highlights
WISCONSIN - We love it when community supporters come to us with a really good idea. This is a story of one idea coming to life to celebrate a dear friend while helping support the efforts of Mission Myeloma. The thought was to take a day that held special memories...
Join Us October 1 to Support Multiple Myeloma
WISCONSIN - This year Mission Myeloma has big plans to celebrate our multiple myeloma community by hosting two events. It's time to register for the 13th Annual Miles for Myeloma (virtual) or our new event Clink for a CURE! (in person). Be sure to mark your calendars...
Ready to Rumble for Multiple Myeloma In March
Fox Valley Wisconsin - At our house, my husband's family are the competitive ones. Anyone else marry into a family that can take any friendly competition to a level that's completely unheard of? Card games, cooking competitions, ANYTHING can be turned into a rival...